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Old 16th March 2005, 06:53 AM
topsy99 topsy99 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: geeveston
Posts: 702

i hope the newbe is listening. the signal some of us are sending is experience.
as a youngster the vital years of life there is so much to do that is life-and character building.
punting the ponies is not one of them. sporting activities, cultural, music, girls and education and a good job.
there's no time to spend hacking race form.
when you get to 50 there will be two things to consider if you did what i suggest you will say i gave it my best shot now i might study the horses.

or if you follow the horses now you will look back and say why didnt i listen.

racing is time consuming, unlikely to be profitable, certainly not in the ways i spelt out above, it will detract from spending time with your children and family and from participating in many normal social developmental activities involving families.
it may even lead to social isolation.
i have said enough have a good life and please make it valuable and meaningful.
good luck.
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