Thread: Friday March 18
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Old 18th March 2005, 11:22 AM
maverick1993 maverick1993 is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 3,635

Hi X...nothing much for me today..
Blawk Inn, Bendogo R7 No4 ..i think has a chance but with Shinn riding he might be unders.
Iris in the Glen, Bendigo R8 No10 ,,2 starts back was a huge run and should of won..i think the distance suits and hoping for some nice eachway odds.

Its unlike me not to have anything in Rocky but i can't find anything i like..Think General Arthur should win the 3rd but will be no value at all..
Paper Kings is an interesting runner in the 8th...has the form lines to beat this field but am prepared to watch him first up...

Petrol Head in the 4th has a chance but i've had no luck in maidens of late..
and has also drawn the outside.
Minga St in the 5th has a real good chance..and i see you have it rated 2nd..

also agree with you with Quality Commands Musslebrook R5 who should again get the gun run and will be hard to catch and has a form jockey on board as well.
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