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Old 22nd March 2005, 02:32 PM
DR RON DR RON is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: victoria
Posts: 562
Default To Mark and anyone else

who uses Betfair, as a recent converter to b/f could you please give me some clues as to how to pick the peaks and troughs in the market?

Mark, I know you back or lay or sometimes even both the whole field for a small (guaranteed) profit, and was wondering , do you have pre determined prices both min and max and then jump on when those prices appearor do you hang out if you think they might improve, and what if you cant get those prices on some runners? especially the faves, does the trading info that appears when you click on a horses name give any clues as to what prices might do? sorry for all the questions but I have fallen in love with b/f and thimnk itis the greatest thing since sliced bread (or Bourbon and Coke)

any info at all would be appreciated.
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