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Old 23rd March 2005, 01:47 PM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956

Zorro I agree with what you said to an extent, which is why I have fashioned the rules of this one around my weight ratings, meanign the horse has to be good enough to win in order to qualify. "Hapless slug" ridden by "I.M.Useless" may have won a c1 at Rosehill on a wednesday on a heavy track against three other slugs, unnoticed, by a lip, and they were all stuffed at the end, and the owner may have entered him in the Grand Armee v Makybe Diva matchrace over 2000m at WFA last weekend, and as you say you'd be having your bet on Hapless Slug, because he's won at the track and distance. Well, not with my method.

But I guess you don't need ratings to do that. You can introduce some sort of class rule. Must have placed in the class or something. Must be pronouncable after three quarters of the bottle of no name vodka you're swigging from at midnight, standing in the middle of your study in your boxers yelling at the computer....
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