Thread: 3rd + 4th FAVS
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Old 23rd March 2005, 07:59 PM
partypooper partypooper is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
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Kenchar, no pink Elephants but a few spiders climing up the wall!!
I appreciate your kind of gut feeling type betting, at the same time I appreciate the handicap techniques used by Crash.
I managed to live on my wits like that in England, basing everything on the premise that the game was rotton to the core, so I just learned to spot the fiddle and I did good. I've never been able to duplicate it here in OZ but still love the punt. When betting by instinct here just tended to follow a particular horse/trainer/ jockey, mainly PHarvey! , Beadman, Byrne, ARobinson and a few others.
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