Thread: rating service
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Old 31st March 2005, 05:35 AM
Bhagwan Bhagwan is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 2,428

You will find the SR of their top 5 is less than the top 5 rankings in the pre-post market as is with most rating services.
Pre -post top 5 is 75%
Rating services 66%

They may argue that their`s is greater value in their results , but once again the pre-post market percentage was stronger in that its percentage loss on turnover was less , this goes for most other rating services.
Top 2 in prepost wins 45% rating services is around 36%
I`m talking about 5 well known & respected services.

Over 5000 races I found they all had very similar percentages.
The value comes into it if you can target their top 2 selections & bet the one you feel is the best to bet on .

One way to do this is bet the one you want to win for $4 & the other bet $1.00 as a saver , but only if they are both paying $3.50+ at jump time.

You will find they are much the same because they anaylis pure form & form is form therefor the shorter prices, but now & then they pull the odd big payer & this can make all the difference.
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