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Old 8th April 2005, 07:13 AM
jfc jfc is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Sydney
Posts: 402

Brohamer's book is very old and there are a number of pace systems now being provided and flogged here. gives you FREE individual runner times for nearly EVERY 200m section.

I've given up buying The Sportsman about a decade ago, but I understand they publish the above along with Brohamer-esque pace assessments - early speed, swoopers, whatever.

If you google for "pace handicapping" (Australia) you will be swamped with material.

There's even a pace product available from a former? correspondent on this forum. I'm sure the censors will provide you with details if you ask nicely.

I understand that one of the biggest punters in Australia (not either of the two mentioned in the press thsi year) got his start from using pace handicapping here when it was apparently unheard of. But these days it's so pervasive that there are far better ways of finding an edge.
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