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Old 20th April 2005, 04:49 PM
Sportz Sportz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 12,020


I think I made a small profit in the comp. Would have done a bit better if we could have different amounts on our selections. Not complaining though. I'm going to stick to picking the two horses per race like I do with my own betting. Hopefully I'll manage to go forward. Don't think I'll be able to catch you or Kiwi after today though.

These were my actual win bets today:

BRIS R2 - 6 (1unit) 7 (1unit)
MELB R3 - 13 (3units) 1 (1unit)
MELB R5 - 5 (2units) 1 (2units)
MELB R6 - 9 (3units) 5 (1unit)
MELB R7 - 4 (2units) 1 (2units)
ADEL R8 - 14 (1unit) 15 (1unit)

For the comp, I probably should have just picked out the ones that I bet 2 or 3 units on.
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