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Old 22nd April 2005, 08:28 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956

Yeah that's a good idea, I'll do that, ta.

Sportz you have 8 bets left. You can check on that at any time by clicking on the "this week" tab at the bottom of the excel spreadsheet. That also tells you how you're going for this week etc.

Here's that simple table as the results stand right at this very second right now.

player Profit/loss
raw instinct $13.6
sirpent $4.8
Duritz $3.8
zorro $1.8
testarossa $0.4
Chuck -$2.0
Goldcoaster -$3.4
mercurial -$3.8
Sportz -$4.1
Seeker11 -$5.4
bl4dez -$5.5
feather -$6.2
kiwi -$8.1
Svenvlad -$8.3
Heavyweight -$10.5
Random -$15.2
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