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Old 1st May 2005, 02:27 PM
darkydog2002 darkydog2002 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 4,330
Smile DAVEZ.

Its a commercial system from PPM so it would be impolite to state the rules on a open forum but contrary to some others beliefs they occasionally bring out a gem.
In my opinion this is one of them.
How long it continues to hold up though (not being based on class/ weight /time /field strength ratings)is a matter of conjecture.
But so far ,so good.

Further figures might give you an indication whether it would suit you are

Strike rate = 23 %/ average price of winners = $5.20

Lowest point a $1000 bank reached was $930.
Longest run of outs was 8.
Hope thats of some help.
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