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Old 1st May 2005, 06:20 PM
marko marko is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: western australia
Posts: 162

nothing great this week thats for sure

12 races
3 winners
3 2nds
2 3rds (1 ntd)
5 unplaced

5 x 15 on all races (over 2% at times I know but its easier to calculate)
OB 1000
r1 won 3.3 1.5 (39) bal 1019
r2 unplaced bal 999
r3 unplaced bal 979
r4 2nd 1.2 (18) bal 977
r5 2nd 1.4 (21) bal 978
r6 won 1.8 1.04 (24.6) bal 982.60
r7 3rd 2.4 (36) bal 998.60
r8 2nd 1.6 (24) bal 1002.60
r9 3rd ntd bal 982.60
r10 unplaced bal 962.60
r11 unplaced bal 942.60
r12 won 4.0 1.8 (47) bal 969.60

OB $1000
CB $ 969.60


Not a great result but usually would get 4 or 5 winners at least
Oh well see how I go next week
Any advice from punters on how else I could invest the $20 to profit (I reckon I,d get enough winners to profit)
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