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Old 6th May 2005, 09:30 AM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956

OK I have sorted out all the issues.

Sportz - apologies for mucking up your scores AGAIN in this comp.... It is not intentional, I will make sure it doesn't happen again. You were right, your score has been upped by $7.90, with an extra two winners added. For some reason I had two of your winners down as losers. Have rectified that.

Chuck you have to introduce me to your bookie. If he's letting you get "a $3.90 winner on Sunday, + 2 losses, so that would be +$1.90" then I have to let him take my bets too!

Seriously though that horse actually paid $4.00 on STab, giving you a profit of $1.00 that day.

On the Saturday you said you had two winners from four bets. You tipped:

Rosehill 7-5 Disguise
Doomben 1-5 Sunlady
Doomben 3-3 Zauberei
Sandown 3-3 Furaat

and the only winner was Furaat, who paid $2.90 on STab, giving you a loss of $1.10 on the day.

So, you started at -$10, then won a dollar, then lost a dollar ten, so you're -$10.10.

If I've missed something, let me know, but I think that should all be right now. If so, here's the updated, revised, new table, and a link to the full version.

Chuck make sure to tell me if that's right as it is now.


player Profit/loss
raw instinct $25.7
sirpent $16.7
zorro $7.0
testarossa $2.8
Goldcoaster $2.1
Sportz $0.6
Heavyweight -$4.4
mercurial -$5.2
Chuck -$10.1
Seeker11 -$15.4
bl4dez -$15.5
feather -$16.8
Svenvlad -$18.3
Random -$25.2
kiwi -$28.0
Duritz -$31.9
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