11th May 2005, 08:40 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Barry Wheatley
Posts: 25
The way of things
Can't see this issue of live television broadcast being resolved anytime soon. Seems such a retrograde step, difficult to come to terms with to the average punter, especially in an era of vastly improving technology.
Now, those of us fortunate to have access to both Sky and TVN now have to flick between channels every 10 or so minutes. Pain the the ass. But, at least we're able to do so. Not so fortunate our country counter-parts. They are simply kept in the dark.
While not assuming a great degree of understanding of the issues involved here, it seems to me that the Melb/Vic and Metro NSW Race Clubs feared the loss of control of their 'product' to Sky/Tabcorp.
They, rightly or wrongly, felt that Sky/Tabcorp was usurping their product and doing with it whatever they (Sky/Tabcorp) thought fit. Sky/Tabcorp called the shots, so long as they owned this content. Should Sky/Tabcorp prefer to cover/show a dog/harness meeting in preference to a throughbred meeting then that choice would always remain their's. The Race Clubs had limited or no say at all as to whether or not that was the case. They provide the venue and the content, but had no control as to how it was used.
Seems to me (and somewhat understandably) that this got up the nose of many Racing Club's, in particular Victorian and Sydney metro ones.
Accordingly, as their contracts expired with SKY/Tabcorp these same clubs elected to take back control by setting up their own broadcasting medium in TVN.
While it's a short term hassle for us throughbred punters, I reckon that eventually we'll all be better off.
Eventually, Adelaide, Brisbane etc rights with Sky/Tabcorp will expire and we'll have a dedicated Throughbred TV service showing all throughbred races.
Sky will be left with the dogs and harness and maybe a bit more, and in the process struggle to survive.
As I've said before, monopolies breed arrogance and I believe that Sky in their
arrogance fell for this old trick.
My prediction is that eventually, as this debacle plays out, TVN and the Racing Clubs will wrestle back control but in times to come they too will abuse the monopoly they will enjoy in the same way that TAB/Sky did when they enjoyed it.
It's the way of things.
Bazza's Best