Well well well. What a Saturday. What a finish to the week. What great tipping by the two leaders. Christ some people under the pressure would crack like an arthritic pensioner's leg when she's run over by a truck, but these two powered on like, well like the truck I suppose.
Testarossa - 24 tips, 8 wins, return 57.1 - Brilliant.
Raw - 7 tips, 3 wins, 19.60 and could have been so much more, but also Brilliant.
You two have done very well in this comp and continue to lead the way. %POT of 34% and 42% is fantastic. I hope you're backing all these things.
The rest of us were OK, neither good nor bad really. We pretty much all either won or lost just a little. Feather was the "worst" but was still only a negative 6.0. I went through a spell of 22 loser's in a row in this comp, -6 is childs play.
There's two full weeks left of the comp, then three days after that to the end of May. Those final three days willgive the second person time to try and catch the leader. Right now Testa has kicked to a $12 advantage, but it's no winning break yet.
Hey, who knows, someone else may yet pop up with a long shot winner and challenge all.
May be it'll be Sportz, re-instating himself into the comp tomorrow morning in a blaze of roughie glory at Eagle Farm, or Sirpent, who decided not to tip this week, who'll make up for it in the two weeks remaining, or Chucky boy, tipping the toppies everywhere, or Kiwi, who has gone strangely silent, perhaps he's reasearching some gun system to blow the comp away. Or maybe it'll be me, desparate and guessing, or mercurial, who has been solid as a rock all the way through and maintains a profit, or zorro who is in the same boat.
Or maybe this'll be like the Bonecrusher vs Our Waverly Star cox plate, two guns going neck and neck to the line, Bill Collins calling from beyond the grave - "Testarossa, Raw Instinct, Raw Instinct, Testarossa, and __________ races into tipping comp immortality!"
Who will be in that gap????
player Profit/loss
testarossa $39.9
raw instinct $27.3
sirpent $12.8
mercurial $2.3
zorro -$3.0
Goldcoaster -$7.2
Chuck -$12.1
Heavyweight -$14.4
Duritz -$19.8
feather -$20.2
Sportz -$21.3
Seeker11 -$25.4
bl4dez -$25.5
Svenvlad -$28.3
Random -$35.2
kiwi -$38.0