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Old 23rd May 2005, 08:02 PM
racingnovice racingnovice is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Victoria
Posts: 291

I think this is going nowhere lol.

I think you people are all missing the point and the real factor which is the weight of the horses.

If horse A was 650kg and horse B was 750kg and they both carried 58kg then yes the weight would be a factor as Horse A would be carrying 8.9% of its body weight and horse B would be carrying 7.7%. This would effect horse A much more then horse B over a 1200m race.

If both horses had roughly the same class/ability then id be backing horse B everyday of the week. Horse B would need to carry 67-68kg to get it to the same level as horse A.

It would be no different to having 2 people a 70kg and 100kg person both carrying the same weight. I can assure you the 70kg guy would struggle more then the 100kg guy.
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