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Old 1st June 2005, 10:00 AM
Macca Macca is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 34


Well thankyou for a reply without an attack or innuendo. OK, so not everyone is professional in their outlook - fair enough but don't you agree that there should be a seperate "tips" section so the other forums don't get clogged up with tips.

Not everyone wants to see "tips". I am a member of another forum that is very professional and "tips" posts are very rare indeed. I agree that the sort of punter that posts here is generally not as professional or serious about winning as I am or others on that forum. I am not interested in "fun" when it comes to matters of the punt. I don't particularly enjoy doing 30 hours of dog videos a week either but if I don't do that I know where I will end up - broke!
Believe me, I have taken short cuts before and paid the price.
I take your point - maybe I need to lighten up but it is hard when every time I post I get whacked over the head by Chuck et al.

I love Marco's WTA thread and obviously there are people who don't appreciate quality posts but maybe we should all be a bit more tolerant. This is a PUBLIC forum open to anyone who plays by the rules set out by management. I just think some of the old regulars on here need to have a good look at themselves - Propun is not THEIR baby even though they may have been posting on here for a lot longer than me. Cut out the "club culture" and maybe other "lurkers" would be prepared to post.
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