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Old 2nd June 2005, 07:11 PM
Duritz Duritz is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 956

LOL yeah, send 'em down.

As to the June comp, I think Sportz has something in mind, a good idea actually, one that has been bandied about by a few different people, something that would, IMO, work well. Have a look in that thread Raw started entitled Sportz or Duritz.

For now, I'll let the tipping comp pause. Am quite, quite busy with other stuff right at the mo. Enjoy it, but also there's something to be said for keeping a thing fresh and new, such as a new type of tipping comp will do.

If anyone else wants to run a comp, just do so. I might do this one again in a month or two, we'll see how we're going. But now, support Sportz's idea.
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