Thread: POT
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Old 13th June 2005, 07:15 AM
punter57 punter57 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 130

Morning Shoto (and everyone else, too!). Glad to see you don't hold a grudge! Kenny Victor has already rejected my application to join the "POT crowd" (on another thread--100 Pointers) so I'll soldier on in my own LONELY crowd!!
Glad to see you mention Company Annual Reports as THEY are celebrated for hiding a lot more than they clarify. In the cases of One Tel, HIH etc the historical data (including POT) was unsustainable, unreliable, misleading and fraudulent to boot.
Though I accept the need (sometimes) to agree to disagree, I'll just add one further nail to the POT coffin (please don't consider this as "stirring the POT pot") A ridiculously small, but certain POT (a la arbitrage betting) is more attractive, than an uncertain "maybe 20%" POT using even my own (fabulous!) selection methods. If I could actually find a few more true "under-round" situations, I'd literally "bet the bank" , quite happy to get a measly 1% ON THE LOT with no risk. Cheers
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