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Old 14th June 2005, 11:48 PM
Shaun Shaun is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Western Australia
Posts: 3,457

It costs you a lot less to find out that has is just average potential than it does the real terms we as punters are in a better position to make more from racing than the owners...provided you are prepared to put the cash on....remember we don't have training fees or vet checks or spelling fees or anything like that....sure we have our own the stake...but if managed properly and you have the funds to back it up it is possible to make a profit from every horse you follow...well maybe not all of them but if your judgment is right then 70% of them....take a look at any horse that has a 25% win strike or more and work out what it has paid at each of it's wins and see if there was a profit to be i know trying to find these horse at a young age before these wins is not easy.....but is it any easier finding winners on most just need to use rules...such as the right trainers or the right owners...the more successfull owners do get the better horses just like the some research before adding a horse to your stable....treat it as it should be treated like an investment...if you do the home work you can have a winning stable....sure your name is not on the ownership papers but then again it is not on the tax return slip.
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