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Old 28th June 2005, 08:47 AM
La Mer La Mer is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 578

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
This raises two interesting questions in my mind. Firstly, why does the total at the bottom of the bottom of the virtual formguide "live odds" always total over 117% for the win pool for all tabs and the place pool 360% (120% per place). Is this a bit of acceptable rounding that the Tab is allowed to keep?

KV. Disregarding the rounding down affect, the win pool would be 116.95% (14.5%/85.5%). Rounding down would make the take-out higher, more so when with short priced favs, eg. a dividend of $2.19 would be rounded down to $2.10 which would amount to a lot more dosh going into the TAB's coffers than a dividend of $9.99 being rounded down to $9.90.

It can even be worse with the rounding down of short priced favs for the place, eg. $1.19 down to $1.10.
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