29th June 2005, 09:01 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Mt Tamborine
Posts: 574
Let's take another view. Benny is a happy but poverty bound Aussie Joe just avoiding financial ruin by the seat of his pants but feeling he deserves a little bit of excitement to brighten the struggle for existence that is his daily life. He walks to the TAB which is just down the road from him so his bets cost him nothing to make. His next door neighbour gets the paper delivered but Benny can get up early enough to carefully unfold it, jot down the tipsters info and fold it up again before his neighbour is awake. His info costs him nothing. Now he's making his bets and actually earning himself a bit of beer money (although not enough to worry about becoming an alchoholic). He can go down to the pub (on the days he comes out in front) and skite to his mates "I'm one of the elite 5% that makes a profit on the punt". He has earned status, enjoyed the buzz we all get from picking a winner and can raise a middle finger to the banks and their interest sapping charges.
Let's face it, Benny is a conundrum. We don't know what he wants from the punt or what drives him. He's an enigma wrapped in an enigma wrapping thingy.
Benny, for heaven's sake tell us about yourself.
Sorry, I'm beginning to ramble now.