Thread: LAY betting
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Old 10th July 2005, 07:31 AM
spyhunter spyhunter is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 14
Question LAY betting

first of all sorry for it, because I could not decide where is the topic should be.
hello everybody guys, I'm new in the forum, I'm from Turkey, I have been dealing with horse racing for 6 years. Everyday I bet on the races in Turkey, but I don't have a knowledge about AUS racings and AUS horses. For a year in Betfair I lay the horses in UK races, now I have some knowledge about them. But as I said I don't have knowledge about your country's races and horses.

can you give information about the races? for example

1)mostly in which regions' races does the favourite horse comes first?
2)mostly in which regions's races do the surprise horses come first? (I mean the horses with big odds)

and also does anybody can help me about the horses who should be layed in the races? for example today's CRANBORNE RACE 1, there are 12 horses in the race, I want to lay a horse, but I can't because I don't know the horses, their forms, if it is successful in this distance, about the jokey who will ride it, is he a popular jokey or not? as you know there are some jokeys make the horse win the race, that you can believe how a donkey win the race

so in this topic can anybody help me?

and also I want to ask is there any topic in the forum about the "LAYs of the day" that is everday uptaded and the members discuss the horses that which horse will not come first in todays races?
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