When you're in the industry you get Tips left right and centre..if i got chuffed at every tip that lost i'd be a nut case and these tips are from owners , strappers ,trainers ect..
Tips on these forums , in the paper , services or off the drunk down at the pub should all be taken with a grain of salt..
If i get a tip i just dont back it..i study the race ,, make my own decision..
Chuck not only listed his lay but explained why .. which i think is brilliant..
This is why i dont pay much attention to Williams or Xpt tips becauuse they are just listed...even though i think they do a great job..
But when Mr Ed or LuvsBet or Chuck list a tip and why ,,i always investigate it..
When tipping i think thats what you should do ..because sometimes you've pointed out something thats been overlooked by people ..noticed something in the horses last run or anything..
Eg..the other day a few good judges were on Grandway Shogun and explained why..i didnt rate it to win but because of these judges i had him in my Tris and 1st 4's..would of maybe missed it otherwise..
In the end its your money ..your decision..and ultimatly your fault if you back someones tip without forming your own opinion and doing the necessary study..
I'll be hypocritical here because the other day i got a tip from some one in the know that Shellshocked would win..he was very confident..i had the horse rated about 5th or 6th...it came in exactly that and i lost...the lesson is ...trust your own judgment .. sometimes you need this kind of kick in the butt to wake you up..