Thread: Doomben Dribble
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Old 16th July 2005, 06:27 AM
Raw Instinct Raw Instinct is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628

Race 1: Crystal Lane is one I like a bit here back on a drier surface would be a big help and has had some solid form I amnot really a big fan of the race but that is the one I like anyway.

Race 2: I don't care where Emit Time is drawn he should win this he just looks to have to much class for these. There is one I thought might be e/w value in this that is Polaris was a great win 1st up at Ipswich and it might have been far to wet last time be interesting to see how it goes today.

Race 3: Not a big fan here have tipped Glorius Lady a few times and she just might win today but it will be without my money on it.

Race 4: Last Claim looks ok here the break it has had is a worry but there isn't any champions in this race and with McKeons claim will get in with 51kgs on its back.

Race 5: Carolinas Boy the hardest to beat in this super consistent horse puts in all the time probably deserves to win this one.

Race 6: North Country and Tearinupthecountry both look to have claims here what type of odds they are is hard to say I expect alot of people to be on the later. Delago Blitz might be good e/w value was a horse that looked ok running around the bush in Melbourne and could easily be upto winning this.

Race 7: Little Punc and Malta are the 2 here not interested in much else to be honest on it's last run Little Punc should win but I think Malta is a solid horse and is out to a distance it will really like.

Race 8: Take away the go home early statement I like Twanged here but doubt it will be any tremendous odds Prophet Jewel also looks to be starting to hit some form aswell.

there are a couple in Sydney I like they are Diamonic, Sun Song and Dane Fantasy.

Good Luck on the punt today guys
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