Thread: Quinella Plan
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Old 19th July 2005, 10:22 AM
iamcool iamcool is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 110

Originally Posted by angel417
I gladly accept your challenge.
You guys pick 2 races in each state.
$50 per race.
I will bet quinellas only.
You do the same.
Thats $400(this Saturday)bank.
Bet you aint got the balls to take it on.
As for me being angel junior,I am angel 416 original.
As that user name I had over 1000 posts,and you have 56 and are telling me I have been here 5 minutes??Get a grip.
As for input????Go thru the archives.Check my topweight system.
Take up the challenge,if you have the guts.
If you wish to do it,post your desired races by Friday,and your selections and outlay by midday Saturday.
Dont really expect to hear a reply.
As for wanting to start conflict,if you cant stand constructive critisiscm you should be on another forum.
Anyway,if you have the balls to take up the challenge,and any of you finish in front of me I will leave this forum forever.
Look forward to your replies,though doubt I will get any,except cop outs like "I wont waste my time etc."

Firstly, I ain't no-one's disciple - Like you, I love myself too much. I doubt if i have ever corresponded with the contributor in question, either in this forum or by any other means.

Secondly, would "i can't be bothered anymore" be considered a cop out?

Lastly, I wouldn't be getting upset over a few harsh words spoken between relative strangers on an internet forum - could it be that you're scared. After all your huffing and puffing it seems you are the one that is a bit lacking in the 'departamento de testicales'

Perhaps, as your last post would suggest, we have damaged your delicate little ego with a bit of criticism. Pathetic really, I expected better.

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