Thread: Monday July 25
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Old 25th July 2005, 02:17 PM
xptdriver xptdriver is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Port Macquarie
Posts: 1,694

Gday Sportz...

my ratings are mechanical... it involvesTrack and distance performance as well barriers, days between runs as well as finishing possies last 4 starts as well as a couple of others.. I assign different weightings for each catergory. And that great horse ended up coming out on top... Quite clearly as well..

That is why quite often a real shortie will not show in my ratings.. But I will always remember backing horses at big odds than I remember backin the ones at skinny odds... I have been thereabouts with some long priced horses of late, but couldnt quite get em over the line.. There was a 50/1 shot st SScoast yesterday that managed 2nd... had a few like that lately... It's nice to get a good one,,,, finally...
Good luck and good punting
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