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Old 29th November 2002, 01:14 PM
Mark Mark is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Qld
Posts: 1,400

Rough figures for the last 10 Saturdays for Syd & Melb. Total races 171, winners < PP 113 or 66%, or 2 out of 3.
Total runners 1969, winners 171, = 8.7%.
Runners where open price was < PP 982, winners 113, = 11.5%, remember a few % here & there will add up over time. More interesting is having $1 win on every runner (QLD TAB) would lose $350 or 18%, as you would expect. $1 on those that opened < PP would lose only $109 or 11%. Again a few % better off but much better $$ wise. Losing 11% is doing a lot better than most of us in the tipping comp! My opinion is that this is a reasonable way to get rid of short priced fancies.
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