21st August 2005, 10:13 AM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 204
Hi again Sahasastar,
I don't think you can put this sort of stuff into a table as there are just too many variables that would impact on any calculation.
Re the number of bets thing. I'm sure every systems man can tell you of stories where everything runs sweet for yonks & then falls in a spectacular heap around your bruised bank. Many of these collapsed systems can be profitable if viewed over a longer time frame but few people persevere. Many of these collapsed systems are nothing but a coincidence of events ( and it is this factor that gives people such as Crash the ammunition to shoot systems down in flames). My advice is don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Hold onto that system and see where it leads. Even if it turns to shyte there may still be a valuable bit of data to use in another system.
"It won't happen overnight, but it will happen!"
"Not winning on a horse that came first is one thing.....Losing on a horse that didn't come first is something else entirely!!!"