23rd August 2005, 06:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 135
Here are the numbers for all non-metro tracks Australia wide on every day except Saturdays, July 2003 thru July 2005 - no filters just starters $2.00 or less for the WIN, results are for the PLACE:
bets 2513
placed 2063
SR% 82.1%
P/L -141.74
PoT -5.6%
Just to reiterate the point - a horse-race market inefficiency was identified (and widely published) over twenty years ago on the other side of the planet. That market inefficiency is alive and well within Australian racing today EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK.
Even if you did not attempt to exploit the inefficiency yourself, what right thinking punter would attempt to profit from place bets in races where the favourite was showing $2.00 or less? (The effect of rounding down dividends renders the position even worse for hapless punters in such races)