24th August 2005, 03:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 10
Originally Posted by KennyVictor
Mate, you don't need to know much about horse racing IMHO. I started doing what you're doing about 18 months ago and finished my first year's punting with 9% POT over about a thousand bets. There is no substitute for having a lot of data. I collect any and all data I can get my hands on if it's free. I find my results stabilise after about 5 years races have gone through but my method is rating each race and each horse using weights and margins (not sure if it's the same as you're trying to do). Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't work, cause it does.
Thanks for your reply, I'll keep plodding on and see what I can come up with!
If you could share any sources of useful free stat's that can be downloaded, I'd appreciate it... Post here or sent to journich@gmail.com. I've taken a look at the paid services, but they really do seem quite expensive. Obviously I know of tabonline, but there are bound to be others I havent found yet.
By the way when you say POTS - What does this stand for? I presume it's Nett profit but just curious as to what it stands for.