Thread: Harness Racing
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Old 6th December 2002, 06:27 AM
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Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 146

here is useful link number 2 so you can get a real grip on it- and shows why horses deliberately run 2nd and 3rd.

look under both the pacers and trotters scales for best idea.

its a very useful website for harness racing and their form guides are excellent, giving you the last two years results- some of the states even provide comments on the chances of each runner in todays races.

as a general rule any horse that has been noted to have broken in its past 5 starts I will exclude from consideration unless its proven that it has the ability to overcome a bad start and still do well.Any horse that has been given a warning and is on its last chance to run truly I also exclude.

I used to use times as a guide but found it a little inconsistent - often on country tracks the same horses will have bumped into each other regularly enough for you to identify who is better regularly just by looking at the results.

The other problem with times is that these ************s only go as fast as they need to, not as fast as they can. Big difference :smile:

If you watch or listen to the races you have identified as of interest to you, you will soon get a feel for each animals real ability to take on the field when it feels like it or needs to.

Personally, I think that harness racing has the most consistency of any of the racing forms which makes it easier to sink your teeth into.

see ya
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