1st September 2005, 11:20 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 318
Thanks for the info Venge and Sportz. I didn't realize Bris and Youbet took Aus but I guess it makes sense. I guess the time to get the real values are on weekends as the pools are a lot larger then. I was starting to think that the way to get the real value is bet through a couple of Aus spots and shop around as opposed to having to wait until the very last minute with the American pools to see the true values. I did set up, rather remewed my phonebet acct w/ Philly park last week but they close before Aus even starts and if you are a Delaware resident they won't let you bet NYRA tracks(Saratoga, Belmont, Aqueduct). It's crazy the rules they have. I'll probably be setting something up with a couple of places (Aus and US) if possible. I checked out IASbet and it looked excellent. I read the rules and conditions and it seems to be they stay purposely vague about the US and that's cool with me. They kind of hint that they do take US dollars and residents by explaining wagers and rules concerning US sports, even though I realize the punting savvy Aussies are known to throw down on the States and such. I actually was in the "business" over here for alot of my 40 years, on the right side if you know what I mean and was always trying to get this Aussie figure skater (Nah, he's cool as can be, with a hot wife) to bet, n his words "MERICAN FOOOOTBAAW! AY LOVE IT!" with me. It really sucks that this country is so politically correct and hypocritical that you can't even try to make a decent side buck. It's not like you aren't risking losing and the credit card companies charge a lot higher vig than 10%. I mean they get more than loan sharks! I will check out all those other sites as well. Thanks guys