3rd September 2005, 09:58 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 318
Hate to be a downer on such a great day in OZ, but it's my duty to get the word out to whoever I can. Man, this is f'ed up! It keeps getting worse at every news report. The mayor of New Orleans had set up refuge in the Hilton Hotel across from city hall and it had taken in 200 foreign tourists(good move). He decided to get them out of N.O. by sending them to the Superdome to get on buses out. He sent word to the commander of the National Guard that these people were to get out first in front of thousands of people waiting in line for 4 days(bad move). No reports on what happened but I'm sure it's not good. The mayor will be gone, the gov of LA will be gone, and hopefully the Bush admin will be gone, but you know he'll skate. Why haven't they dropped more food and water? How about evacuations and medicine drops? No landing zones have been designated as of yet either. If ya saw 28 DAYS LATER, it's coming to life. I really think the government is letting it go as long as possible so only the strong survive. When even George Bush admits mistakes were made, you KNOW somebody f'ed up royally. The whole country is affected and 9/11 is a week away. What if something happens. Mass hysteria. Gas prices have gone up 50% in 2 days and every day they go up more. If any trigger happy guardsman start shooting, the big cities here are going to erupt. One thing about Americans, we are resilient and will get on.
Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers.