Thread: Fine Cotton
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Old 4th September 2005, 10:16 PM
saratoga samchaz saratoga samchaz is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 318

Didn't they call it the FINE COTTON RING? I read about it a couple of weeks ago. Isn't it funny how something so well known to you guys is completely new and novel to me here in America? I think it involved Gai's dad TJ Smith right? Here's another thing I've been meaning to ask. Here in America, as in OZ I'm sure, certain trainers are perceived in many different personas. I.E. D. Wayne Lukas was always thought to ruin young horses by running em too hard and too much too early, and when a tragedy on the track occurred, people were quick to blame. Or Bob Baffert being a party guy who gets to the barn at 9 am (gotta love that) or certain guys being thought of as cheaters (Scott Lake here at Del Park and Juan Serey in NY and NJ who just got back from a 3 year suspension- I know his nephew real well- Pablo told me one time in his deep Chilean accent "My Oncool has improooved dis 4 horse, bet him." How did he do it, Pablo?
"Drugs." funny as hell- we were all laughing.)

Being new to Aussie, what are the images and personalities of some of the trainers there? Are Gai and her husband ************, is Mayfield-Smith some kind of adventurer guy who is very concerned aboout his horses welfare, and is Hawkes a pure businessman with a fierce determination to win? These are the images I have gotten, except for Gai because I haven't seen her win that much. And how about some of the jocks, like Nikolic(heard he's wild)? It's just nice to put a human face on it, especially if I can relate to it. Researching the websites of these doesn't tell the real story. Thanks
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