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Old 6th September 2005, 11:40 AM
KennyVictor KennyVictor is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Mt Tamborine
Posts: 574


The only ways I can see are:
A: Learn to program yourself.
B: Get together with someone who programs that you can trust and build it together.
C: Pay squillions to a reputable maker of custom computer programs safe in the knowledge that they will be dweebs and very unlikely to be interested in horse racing for profit.

Programmers often have 3 figure IQs and can get their head around something like racing if you can explain what you want clearly. I've written custom computer programs for people on many and varied obscure things in the past. I learn enough about what they want in order to write the program, make sure they are happy with the result then take my money and promptly forget about it.
If you wanted Partypooper's "One at the bottom of the list if it has a C or D next to it approach you'd probably get out of it for 10 grand. :-)

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