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Old 7th September 2005, 01:24 PM
punter57 punter57 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 130

No SS. I mean you should double (or whatever, depending on divvies) after a WIN, with a predetermined "run" as your "limit". So, for example you decide to double or treble or whatever (add 50% of your win?; let it ALL ride?), aiming to get 2 or 3 or 4 or however many (your choice),in a row. This means YOU'VE set the limit and not the house. Just as you score 4 straight winners, say at 3-1, reinvesting the lot (ie 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256 units = 255 profit) you say "that's it: Four is my limit" and go back to 1 unit. If you then get another 3 winners and the 4th one loses, this time you ONLY lose that ONE starting unit.
Note that this is exactly the reverse of Martingale. Instead of heaps of small wins and a massive wipe-out, YOU get the massive win while they (the bookies/TAB) can only get it back, one unit at a time. You can imagine that a bookie you've creamed for say $255,000 is not going to be happy getting it back a grand at a time for months, while the chance of another "favourable" run (for you) is there, threatening further disaster, lurking in the background!!!! Cheers.
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