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Old 9th September 2005, 03:47 PM
BJ BJ is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 479

Originally Posted by Dale
Could the knockers of Pre Post Prices provide an explanation as to why these odds deliver the same % of 1st favs,2nd favs etc year after year?

I'd like to meet this office boy to shake his hand,every single week he narrows the field down to 7 or 8 chances for me while i am still in bed,the fact that he can come up with the winner over 90% of the time is absolutely amazing.

Before you step up to knock the office boy and his pre post odds ask yourself if you could even get close to his over 90% of winners from 7 or 8 selctions,bet you cant.

I also have to laugh at people who knock pre post odds but spend hours and hours doing their own ratings and converting them to odds and in the end dont have a product all that much better than pre post odds.

Heres an idea why not save some time use the pre post odds as a starting point and fine tune them to produce a decent betting line.

Well he must be doing something wrong if he is rating the field yet only winning 90% of races...
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