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Old 11th September 2005, 07:38 AM
Raw Instinct Raw Instinct is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628

I used to really like the NHL there a few years back but because of the strike and the lack of coverage over here it is hard to really keep up with it all that well. I know I could go to the website but it isn't the same as seeing the games. I was a Blackhawks fan guess once I started following the Bears I adopted the Cubs & Blackhawks I cannot stand basketball so I would never have been a Bulls fan but I was a Michael Jordan fan he was a freak. Worst part is my history of following sports teams obviously none of those have won anything since I have been following them I amnot that ************ old. I have been a Tigers fan in the NRL here and have managed to witness them lose 2 gand finals 16 years ago and they haven't been back since. Liverpool in the English Premier League are the only team to win anything 1 FA Cup 1 European Cup and 1 Champions League, The later was ther greatest though that was an awesome game.
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