Thread: Maths Question
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Old 12th September 2005, 02:12 PM
marcus25 marcus25 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 172

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
I think I'm with you now. The pool then is the total pool, not just what's left to divide among the winners. They show the total of all the bets made, then deduct 20% before paying out.
This means you should have added 625 to the 15085 and then taken 20% off the total before distributing it.

Glad we (Hope we) got that cleared up.


I think you both got it wrong, at least as far as where to deduct the 20% from.
In this scenario the divident is known, so the 20% has been deducted from the pool already, therefore he has only to deduct $125 from his contribution.
In the real situation, however, he has to deduct the 20% from the pool AFTER he added his bet, But still not be the wiser, as to how his bet effected the outcome, because nobody knows how many winning combinations there are.
The best one can do is calculate the possible divi after the third leg is known and the live bets are annouced but by then it's too late anyway.
Shaun! the only guide you can have is to make up a table yourself, starting with an average pool and with the lowest probable return (maybe $200)
add your bet, work out the a change in divi, then go for $300 and so forth. this way you can make up a table but I hardly think it worth the bother.
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