12th September 2005, 08:14 PM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 3,635
A few for tomorrow.
*Rebelette , *Moonbeam Molly, *Nastia, *Todpeta
*Moincoin Harry
*Kenyakeepa Secret, *Quartpot
really like Rebelette ,,,,thought some value in the others,,Kenyakeepa secret in Rocky was alittle dissapointing last start but with a top jock on board i'm looking at some improvement..quartpot with the claim and the good form looks well placed even though this is harder than previous races..
thought Nastia who did well last start and has shown real good speed previously has a good show in the scamper,,,
will revaluate some of these if the tracks are to rain affected.
will keep going 1/2 stake till i get a few over the line..
good luck all