Thread: SYSTEMS.
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Old 13th September 2005, 09:54 AM
darkydog2002 darkydog2002 is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 4,332
Default SYSTEMS.

As some of you know I have over 300 commercial systems mainly from the 2 main system sellers and others from other sources .
I must say in all honesty 99 % would not be worth the paper they are printed on and a complete waste of your money and time.

However amongst all this rubbish there is 1 that shows very good promise .
The RENEGADE to me is based on sound principles and long term should show very good profits.

If I was considering something that is likely to work this is the method I would go for.

Everyone is of course entitled to go for what they like BUT if you have seen the total rubbish out there masquerading as whiz bang make a quick fortune crap at least you would investigate what the above method has to offer .

I might also add that I have no financial interest or otherwise in the RENEGADE but just put this post in as an endevour to help.
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