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Old 15th September 2005, 06:19 AM
kenchar kenchar is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: SYDNEY
Posts: 723


I think the paragraph of yours that Crash quoted explains a lot to me.

Quote:"There can be 6 different people with 6 different methods, all rating different horse's value. They are all correct if they all show a longterm profit. There's more than one way to make a profit, some are more lucrative than others." End quote.

This is what intrigued me, WHO defines the value.
From that paragraph it seems it is the person's METHOD that says whether to bet or not.

I think you already know the answer.
I list my bets as I bet using pen and paper, when the return is more than the outlay I stop.
I then put the profit into my book I use , with a running total for the month.
If a lose day, the loss goes into the book and comes off the total.
That's it, no other records, they don't mean anything to me.
As you know I'm currently running a win method in conjunction with my place.
Yesterday for example I bet 10 races, with a total of 16 bets.
To start I went down 11 points then got to up 4 points, thats it finished.
The profit goes into the book and added to the total.
I can't see how keeping numerous records of strike rate, POT etc etc can help me,
as it all comes down to $$$, As long as my last column goes up and up I'm happy.

As we say all to our own, but I personally will never agree with you in relation to race class, BUT thats only me as I do better in the lower class races.

Cheers to all.
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