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Old 15th September 2005, 06:58 AM
john spencer john spencer is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 16
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In reality i know a lot of the clubs have bitten the enevitable bullet and now allow phones on course except in the jockey room , saddling enclosure and the betting ring . all that means is you can stand out on the flat and phone a friend as the great eddie i love collingwood would say. pity the clubs did not bite the enevitable bullet and realise and the like were here to stay or better still seek arrangement to have there own governing body run exchange in direct competeion to this 'latest scourge' by utilising the resourses of the betting control board etc. Here all profits could be reinjected back into the racing community . bit like a police credit union etc . anyway , thats a topic for later i suspect. happy punting all .

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