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Old 16th September 2005, 05:38 PM
punta punta is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Posts: 75

hey guys

sorry to get a little of topic but in saratoga's first post he mentioned "line" betting alot. what is line betting exactly?

To add to this discussion, i hope to be able to live of my gambling one day. i predominately bet sports such as soccer league and a bit of tennis but i have a go at horse racing and poker aswell. i dont really have any kind of staking plan. if i like something ill do my research and bet however much i am comfortable with.

The problem with trying to become a fulltime sports punter is monday through to thursday there isnt much at all as i stick to sports i know. soccer and league are weekend sports and there isnt a tennis game on every day and anyway most favourites are at stupid prices anyway. Maybe when im retired ill be a fulltime punter but until then im happy with the extra cash i make on sports betting, helps with loans, bills, etc....

good luck all this weekend
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