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Old 17th September 2005, 08:04 PM
Raw Instinct Raw Instinct is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Queensland
Posts: 2,628

Well the end of another week and some good results for some of us, congrats to both Sirpent & Greysongdoesthedouble who both managed to tip Barley a Moment and Miss Potential followed by a couple of very nice pickups by Horse Whisperer and Feather. Another congrats to Sirpent tipping 3 out of 4 so far well done mate hope you were on them.

This weeks Results
Sirpent 39.90
Greysongdoesthedouble 39.90
Horse Whisperer 29.30
Feather 28.40
Real Deal 19.30
Zev Friedman 19.30
Silver and Sand 19.30
Maverick1993 18.40
Testarossa 18.40
XPTDriver 12.40
Kiwi 12.40
Umrum 11.40
Wise One 10.00
Matilda 10.00
Luv2bet 10.00
Mr. Sleby 8.70*
Crack Horse 8.70*
Svenvald 8.70*
Saratoga Samchaz 8.70*
Chuck 7.80
Mad 0.00
Boxhead 0.00
Raw Instinct 0.00
Brave Chief 0.00
Martin Friedman 0.00
Carol Friedman 0.00
Bl4dez 0.00
Crash 0.00
Sportz 0.00

With the great tipping so far for Sirpent he has opened up a nice early lead even if it is early would rather be there then where I am . Also great work Graysong not a bad effort for your 1st week.

Overall Results
1st Sirpent 57.10
2nd Greysongdoesthedouble 39.90
3rd Testarossa 35.60
4th Zev Friedman 30.80
5th XPTDriver 29.60
6th Horse Whisperer 29.30
7th Umrum 28.60
8th Feather 28.40
9th Luv2bet 27.20
10th Mr. Selby 25.60
10th Crack Horse 25.60
12th Maverick1993 25.20
13th Real Deal 19.30
13th Silver and Sand 19.30
15th Mad 17.20
16th Kiwi 12.40
17th Boxhead 11.50
17th Brave Chief 11.50
19th Wise One 10.00
19th Matilda 10.00
21st Svenvlad 8.70
21st Saratoga Samchaz 8.70
23rd Chuck 7.80
24th Raw Instinct 0.00
24th Martin Friedman 0.00
24th Carol Friedman 0.00
24th Bl4dez 0.00
24th Crash 0.00
24th Sportz 0.00
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