30th December 2002, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Canberra
Posts: 730
Computers definitely can HELP you pick winners consistantly - but HELP is the key word here. A computer is a tool and used correctly it can help enormously in the task of sifting through the huge amount of data that we have available these days. At the click of a mouse I can analyse a system over several years of data in a few minutes - to do that manually would take days (if not weeks). Similarly I can check every race in every meeting for possible bets in a minute - again manually that could take many hours.
As Equine Investor said any computer program is only as good as the underlying formulae and parameters. If you have a system that works then by all means computerise it as much as possible and save yourself many hours of work each week but don't buy a system from someone else and expect it to work in the long run.