5th January 2003, 05:46 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 4,330
a great topic and great contributions allround.i tend to go along with shaun.learn to understand form and whats important in the handicapping procedure and you can create your own individual method.whether you want to computerise it or not is up to you.as you all know iuse the computerised wt ratings from the wizard where 90pc of the work has been done for me.ie recent form /form improvement/checks/blocks /wide running/barrier draw etc etc and is summed up by the wt rating score. ijust add my own twists on it.ie .picking bettable races/bettable distances etc. idont think you can do better than use the best in the business wt ratings as a major plank in your own handicapping procedures. a great post and i congratulate all the contributors.