I haven't been able to do a lot of form study today as I'm feeling **********. I have an absolute shocking headache at the moment.
Anyway, here were some that I jotted down last night.
Race 7 - 4 MOONBI NYMPH, 5 Newmarket
Race 5 - 11 DEAD SET CERTAINTY, 10 Bella Senora
Race 7 - 4 BIRD OF DAWNING, 3 Big Red Ball (4,3,1,6 - 9,5)
Race 8 - 10 KAKAKAKATIE & 2 GOLDEN DRAKE (10,2,1,12 - 5,6)
Race 2 -
10 MINORCA*, 6 Artisan
Race 4 -
5 COSTALOTS*, 2 Sunboy Tiger
Race 5 - 9 MISTER PEDANTIC & 1 DRAGON BOAT (9,1,11,10)
Not sure how well they'll go. As I said, I haven't really looked at them today except to check the scratchings. Anyway, now I'm off to bed to try to get rid of this damn headache.