3rd October 2005, 12:41 PM
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Newcastle, NSW
Posts: 1,492
You may have misinterpreted what I said. I certainly do not adjust the size of my wagers "on the run." As I invest a certain percentage of my betting bank the amount of available funds determines the size of the next bet. Therefore whether I am in a winning or losing sequence is reflected in the increasing/decreasing balance of my bank and logically the size of my next bet...this takes the emotion out of wagering and keeps everything on an even keel...no panic when things aren't necessarily going to plan.
Similar to you I may take dividends at regular intervals if I so desire although I review my betting weekly from Sunday to Saturday. As i input all my activities onto a spreadsheet I am able to monitor if a losing trend is being experienced- it is similar to charting on the stock exchange which is my other pastime/vocation.
As for your Point3 that would be a ridiculous proposition wouldn't it....where did you get that from?