6th October 2005, 05:49 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 256
Sorry Crash, can't agree with you on this one.
If a punter is out to make money ( and you seem to believe that no punter is actually out to make money) , the person going with the larger number of bets is probably seeking high turnover/ small profit margin./higher income.
Crash I have a method that seems to pick one winner in two...but it can take a year to come up with those two bets. Its riskier just backing the two selections heavily and trying to make all ones profit from those two bets in a year, than taking many many more bets for a smaller percentage profit..but much more revenue...
the above is precisely why some professional punters do both. Do you invest all of your money on one company share and hang you hopes on it, or do you spread your risk over a portfolio?
Thansk for the interesting post though..had me thinking..and that is good.